Saturday, February 10, 2007

weekend assignment #151

Picture from Hometown

Weekend Assignment #151: Is Valentine's Day a genuinely romantic day? Or just a big commercial money pit into which romantic people fall? Go on, share how you really feel about the day -- whether you enjoy it, or feel like it's forced on you by greeting card companies, or fall somewhere in between those two poles.

Picture from Hometown

when you love someone, you don't need a special day to tell should tell them often.  but, its fun to have a special day to do special things in celebration.  i know that most of our holidays have become  commercialized, but i refuse to look at them in that light.  i choose to keep the holidays special for the reason we celebrate them!  and to me....valentine's day is a romantic day.  :)                         


Picture from Hometown
although the focus is that special someone in our lives....for me it has always included my children...and now my grandchildren.  :)
Picture from Hometown
happy valentine's day everyone. 
thanks to donna of  D's Designs for the graphics. 
Picture from Hometown


Anonymous said...

Wonderful entry. And Happy Valentine's Day to you.

Anonymous said...

Great entry....great attitude.

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy the day Gina! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Good entry and a happy special day to you on that special day. Helen

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you & your family~

Anonymous said...

Well Happy Valentine's day to you!! Hugs, bam

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that you keep your celebrations special.  How I wish our world was still like that.  Valentines day is to celebrate love. That means spouse, children and all else who are involved.  Sweet Entry.  :)    Tracy