Monday, November 13, 2006

john's monday photo shoot

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Floaty Things: Snap a photo of something that floats. If it's buoyant, it's in!

after going through my files to find things that float, i came back to link my entry only to discover what john's really after is something around the house that is nearly unsinkable....hmmm....well...guess i'll go with my first thoughts and pics to match.  :)


have you ever watched jellyfish??  they are buoyancy in motion!!!  this was taken at the chattanooga aquarium.  i love watching them!

how about a butterfly using a lily pad for a raft??  :)


                a turtle and goldfish among the water lilies....ok...the fish is not really floating




Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures.  Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

Neat Idea for Floaty Thing.  Pretty too.  :)     Tracy

Anonymous said...

Great entry...


Anonymous said...

Great shots.  I didn't read the whole thing through either so went with my first shot but when I read all I could think of in the house that floats and won't go down I couldn't, and wouldn't, take pictures of,LOL


Anonymous said...

Very cool photos.

Anonymous said...

I love those lily pads and jellyfish! Great photos! I had a kitten once who thought the bath sponge was a lily pad, hopped onto it when I was in the bath and she sunk, she looked like a rocket coming out of the water! Lol! Wish I'd had my camera! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful photos. Helen

Anonymous said...

That jellyfish photo is really great.

Anonymous said...

Very cool water lily...with the turtle!    Love the jellyfish... I wanna go back to an aquarium!!!!!!!     Great choices, as always!

Anonymous said...

Love the turtle photo....lots of Jelly fish here sometimes.........oogy. Bam

Anonymous said...

First time here - I came over from Barbara's journal.  I think I'll be back again and again.  I love photography, too. And the Lord, my family, friends, pets and this world that was created for us.  Blessings, Penny

Anonymous said...

Just dropped by for a dose of beauty and serenity.  Love the water lilies and the jellyfish is ethereal.--Sheria